First Year

Before You StartOrientationFirst DayFirst WeekFirst MonthFirst Three MonthsFirst Six MonthsFirst Year


Employee is fully engaged in new role – applies skills and knowledge, makes sound decisions, contributes to team goals, understands how their assignments affect others in the organization and develops effective working relationships. They understand UNT System’s purpose and culture. The employee continues to be engaged in their role and has gained greater confidence in their position.

Going Forward

  1. Celebrate successes and recognize employee’s contributions in relation to our shared values.
  2. Continue providing regular informal feedback; provide formal feedback during the annual review process.
  3. Have a conversation with the employee about their experience at UNT System to-date.
  4. Did the employee’s expectations of role and UNT System align with their experiences?
  5. Are employee’s skills and knowledge being utilized and what opportunities exist to better utilize them? What is working, and what needs adjustment?
  6. Begin discussing the year ahead.


  1. Support and encourage employee participation in a cross-functional unit/department, campus committee, or an employee resource group.
  2. Solicit employee’s feedback and suggestions on ways to improve the onboarding experience. Do this one-on-one or with a small group of new employees.

Learning and Development

  1. Discuss employee’s professional development goals and identify relevant learning opportunities.
  2. Encourage the employee to continue to learn and grow.


Green Arrow pointing left First 6 Months