Did you know that free counseling and resources for help with family, legal or financial issues is just a call or click away for all UNT System employees? The Employee Assistance Program (EAP), powered by ComPsych GuidanceResources Online, can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Call: 855.784.1806; TTY: 800.697.0353
Access benefits online: guidanceresources.com
When prompted for your Web ID, enter UNTS.
Services are available at no cost to active and retired employees, as well as members of their households. This confidential service includes access to counselors, resources, legal assistance and much more. Many employees aren’t aware that this free resource is part of their UNT System Enterprise benefits package and can make a difference in their day to day lives.
Need to talk to someone about stress? Experiencing financial strain and want to seek advice? Want to learn more about how to achieve work-life balance? Access your EAP benefits for this type of help, and much more. EAP benefits are designed to help you manage your busy daily life and responsibilities, including major events, work stresses and issues impacting your quality of life as an individual and/or family.
View the PDF's for this program information in English or Spanish.
Some of the benefits, all available 24/7, include:
Confidential Emotional Support
Our highly trained clinicians will listen to your concerns and
help you or your family members with any issues, including:
- Anxiety, depression, stress
- Grief, loss and life adjustments
- Relationship/marital conflicts
Apoyo Emocional Confidencial
Nuestros clínicos capacitados escucharán sus inquietudes y les
ayudarán a usted o a sus familiares con problemas, como:
- Ansiedad, depresión, estrés
- Duelo, pérdidas y adecuación en la vida
- Conflictos maritales o de relación
Work-Life Solutions
Our specialists provide qualified referrals and resources for
just about anything on your to-do list, such as:
- Finding child and elder care
- Hiring movers or home repair contractors
- Planning events, locating pet care
Soluciones para el trabajo y la vida personal
Nuestros especialistas proporcionan derivaciones calificadas y
recursos para todo lo incluido en su lista de quehaceres, como:
- Búsqueda de cuidados para niños y ancianos
- Contrato de servicios de mudanzas o refacciones en el hogar
- Planificar eventos, ubicar lugares de atención para mascotas
Legal Guidance
Talk to our attorneys for practical assistance with your most pressing legal issues, including:
- Divorce, adoption, family law, wills, trusts and more
- Need representation? Get a free 30-minute consultation anda 25% reduction in fees.
Orientación Jurídica
Hable con nuestros abogados para obtener asistencia práctica sobre sus necesidades más asuntos legales urgentes, incluyendo:
- Divorcio, adopción, derecho de familia, testamentos, fideicomisos y más
- Necesita representación? Obtenga una consulta gratuita de 30 minutos y una reducción del 25% en las tarifas.
Financial Resources
Our financial experts can assist with a wide range of issues.
Talk to us about:
- Retirement planning, taxes
- Relocation, mortgages, insurance
- Budgeting, debt, bankruptcy and more
Recursos financieros
Nuestros expertos financieros pueden ayudarle con una amplia
variedad de temas.
Hable con nosotros sobre:
- Planificación de la jubilación, impuestos
- Reubicaciones, hipotecas, seguros
- Elaboración de presupuestos, deudas, quiebras y más
Online Support
GuidanceResources® Online is your 24/7 link to vital
information, tools and support.
Log on for:
- Articles, podcasts, videos, slideshows
- On-demand trainings
- Ask the Expert” personal responses to your questions
Apoyo en línea
GuidanceResources® Online es su vínculo con información vital,
herramientas y apoyo.
Inicio de sesión para:
- Artículos, podcasts, videos, diapositivas
- Capacitaciones a demanda
- Respuestas personales en “Pregúntele a un experto”
Check it out!
Download the EAP mobile app
- Search GuidanceResources (one word)
- Install GuidanceNowSMTap
- Login and enter your username and password
¡Échale un vistazo!
Descarga la aplicación
- Buscar recursos de orientación (una palabra)
- Instale GuidanceNowSM
- Presiona Iniciar sesión e ingresa tu nombre de usuario y contraseña
Watch this video for answers to FAQs
For additional questions or information, contact HRbenefits@untsystem.edu.
EAP Counseling Assistance - Steps
With your EAP benefit, you can receive (6) free short-term counseling sessions (per issue - example, sessions for grief and loss, sessions coping with anxiety). When you need this assistance, here's what to expect:
- Call the EAP: 855.784.1806. They will work with you to assess/determine your needs so that they can help you connect with a provider.
- You will then choose from the list of counselors/therapists they'll provide.
- EAP will provide you a code to give to the counselor/therapist.
- You will contact the counselor/therapist, provide the EAP code, and schedule your first session.
Asistencia de consejería EAP - Pasos
Con su beneficio EAP, puede recibir (6) sesiones gratuitas de asesoramiento a corto plazo (por problema, por ejemplo, sesiones para duelo y pérdida, sesiones para lidiar con la ansiedad). Cuando necesite esta ayuda, esto es lo que puede esperar:
- Llame al EAP: 855.784.1806. Trabajarán con usted para evaluar/determinar sus necesidades para que puedan ayudarlo a conectarse con un proveedor.
- Luego elegirá de la lista de consejeros/terapeutas que le proporcionará.
- EAP le proporcionará un código para darle al consejero/terapeuta.
- Se comunicará con el consejero/terapeuta, proporcionará el código EAP y programará su primera sesión.