First Month

Before You StartOrientationFirst DayFirst WeekFirst MonthFirst Three MonthsFirst Six MonthsFirst Year


New employee is aware of their performance relative to the position and expectations.  Employee continues to develop, learn about UNT System and the unit/department, and build relationships.

Benefits and Wellness

Continue to review benefits' resources with the employee and ensure they are meeting the benefits' deadlines.

Scheduling and Job Duties

  1. Meet with the new employee at the end of the first 30 days to:
    • Review observations and priorities
    • Continue to clarify role, responsibilities, and expectation
    • Answer questions and concerns
  2. Conduct the recurring one-on-one (1:1) meetings.
  3. Continue to provide timely, ongoing, meaningful “everyday” feedback.
  4. Elicit feedback from the employee and be available to answer questions.

Learning and Development

Ask new employee to share their thoughts on what they’ve experienced, learned to date, and what would be helpful for them in the future.  Engage in conversation with the employee regarding the individual development plan and learning through experience, exposure, and education.

  1. Ensure employee attended the New Employee Orientation session.
  2. Confirm mandatory training has been completed and ensure employee is signed up for any other necessary training.
  3. Establish a plan for professional development and encourage training opportunities through UNT Bridge, Learn HSC and/or LinkedIn training
  4. Encourage continued learning with ODE’s Available Training Opportunities; such as live training via Zoom, Pre-recorded Webinars, On-Demand Webinars, and LinkedIn Learning.
  5. Review Performance Management resources including departmental Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), and developing individual OKRs.


New employees should continue to familiarize themselves with UNT System's regulations and policies.



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