First Six Months

Before You StartOrientationFirst DayFirst WeekFirst MonthFirst Three MonthsFirst Six MonthsFirst Year


Employee has gained momentum in completing work, taking the lead on some initiatives, and building relationships with peers. Employee feels confident and is engaged in new role while continuing to learn.


  • Create an opportunity for employee to attend or be involved in an activity outside of their work area.
  • Arrange for employee to meet with appropriate unit/department area leaders either one-on-one or in a small group setting with other new employees.
  • Meet with employee and onboarding partner at the end of their structured relationship. Discuss how things went and what else would be helpful for the employee.
  • Celebrate successes and recognition of employee’s contributions in relation to Our Values.
  • Encourage the employee to engage in UNT System community service initiatives and seek out volunteer opportunities.

Performance Management Conversations

  • Visit to review departmental and individual Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) progression.
  • Engage in mid-year and six-month check-in with the employee, as applicable.
  • Review progress on performance and professional development goals.

Learning and Development

  • Provide the employee ample opportunity to apply their learning.
  • Provide regular feedback to the employee.
  • Create opportunities for the employee to connect and learn through and with others.

Ongoing training should be sought out in UNT Bridge and LearnHSC and LinkedIn Learningwebsite.


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