HR Compensation is responsible for conducting classification (job) analysis and determining job titles and salary grades for staff positions. Classification analysis is the process of evaluating the duties, responsibilities, scope, and complexity of a position description to determine the job title, job code, and salary grade that most appropriately matches the job specifications.
Classification analysis is necessary in the following instances:
New Position (Classification): When a department requests the creation of a new position, the duties and responsibilities of the new position will be reviewed by the HR Compensation team to determine the appropriate job title, job code and salary range of the new position based on the responsibilities and requirements of the job
Reclassification: A reclassification may be considered with the responsibilities, requirements or complexity of an existing staff position significantly change on a permanent basis and the current classification is no longer reflective of the work being performed. HR Compensation will conduct a review to determine if the job title and/or salary grade should change.
How to Submit a Classification/Reclassification Request
1. Complete the Staff Job Classification/Reclassification Request Form and save it as a PDF.
2. Complete the related ePAR requesting the new position or reclassification.
3. Attach the following documents to the ePAR prior to submission:
- Staff Job Classification/Reclassification Request Form
- Proposed departmental organizational chart (for reorganizations only)
4. Submit the ePAR for approval. Approvals for the request will be captured through
the ePAR workflow process.
5. Compensation evaluates the request and provides a recommended job title and salary
range and moves the ePAR forward to the next approval step.
6. The Department Head will enter in the Dept Approved Final Salary and move the
ePAR forward to the next approval step.
7. Following approval of the classification/reclassification, the Compensation team
will update the related classification description.
8. The department is responsible for updating position descriptions. Please refer
to the position description page for details.
Note: Reclassification guidelines and timelines may vary by institution, particularly for filled positions. Please contact your Campus or System HR team and review applicable institutional policies to determine eligibility for the reclassification process.
Tools and Resources
Staff Job Classification/Reclassification Form - The Staff Job Classification/Reclassification Form is required for submission of a new position or reclassification request and provides information about the requested position to facilitate the classification analysis process.
Staff Job Classification and Reclassification Guide (coming soon) - The quick guide provides information on how to submit a staff classification or reclassification request.
KSA Bank- KSAs are knowledge, skills, and abilities that an individual must possess to perform the assigned duties of a position. These are generally demonstrated through relevant experience, education, and/or training. KSAs are a part of every job description and serve as a guide for applicants, employees, and departments to evaluate and assess the likelihood for success in a job.
Training Resources
- coming soon