Training Opportunities

We offer a comprehensive catalog covering a wide-range of topics for professional and leadership skill development. See below for details on our multi-level programs including the ASP for people managers, recommended training opportunities through Bridge, and LinkedIn Learning courses for continuous professional growth. Stay tuned for upcoming training announcements as we continuously expand our course selections!

ASP Fall 2024 Cohort Member List

Enrollment Requirements


To enroll in this program, you must review the program catalog and complete the application form completely. You can find this application form at the following link:  Applications are now closed for the Fall. Note that this form requires you to obtain supervisor approval before it will be considered complete. In the Fall, there will be two system-wide cohorts available for the Program: one running on Wednesdays and one running on Thursdays. Each cohort will include 48 members and we will retain a waitlist (cohorts run once each long semester). 

Those selected for the program will receive a direct e-mail. By completing this form, you are verifying that you have read the asp program catalog in its entirety (including the required in-person program dates) and you have received supervisor approval to participate fully in the program. You will be held accountable for all requirements and dates listed within the program catalog. These requirements will NOT be reviewed again within any individual session, so please review carefully.

Wednesdays Cohort Dates are from 2 - 4 PM on the following:  September 25th, October 9th, October 30th, November 13th, and December 4th in UNT SSB 102.

Thursdays Cohort Dates are from 9 - 11 AM on the following:  September 26th, October 10th, October 31st, November 14th, and December 5th in UNT System BSC 4202 A/B.

Program Overview

A vital contributor to our organization's success lies in the teamwork and the relationships between supervisors and employees. This dynamic can have a substantial impact on job engagement, individual and team performance, satisfaction, and retention.  This program will provide crucial learning and networking to all levels of supervisors as it pertains to people-first leading within the culture and context of UNT system-wide. The intended outcome of this program is to continually develop supervisory skills that have a positive impact on our employees, students, and the greater community. Those who commit to this program and its requirements enjoy the honor of calling themselves an “Accountable Supervisor”.

Program Objectives:

  • Provide supervisors with focused and critical skills applicable to any level, expertise, or service time.
  • Encourage the ongoing learning and development of our supervisor population.
  • Create a community of supervisors for networking, connection, and shared learning.

The participant's supervisor and the participant commit to the time involved for the employee to participate in the program. This will be eleven hours (11) in-person initially (within a cohort) plus eight additional hours (8) each year as a member of our Accountable Supervisor Community (ASC). Dates for the cohort sessions are found within the program catalog.

The participant's supervisor will champion their participation. The participant's supervisor will provide coaching to their employee (the participant) on what they are learning in the program.

As such, the participant must share with their supervisor the coaching tip sheet. This sheet will provide a list of all the session topics and helpful coaching questions to help build dialogue between the participant and their direct supervisor.


If you would like clarification on the AccoUNTable Supervisor Program and its requirements, please email the cohort you are interested in to Human Resources at


Fall 2024 Spring 2024 Fall 2023 Spring 2023 Fall 2022
Caryn Abbott Fatima Adeyemo Grant Benatar  Sharla Baker Chad Bourgeois
Zaiba Ahmed Elizabeth Aguirre William Branch Pete Beaulieu Clayton Briggs
Noor Ali Esteban A Arriola Courtney Burke Nancy Bouchard James Calaway
Albert Anaya Devin Anthony Axtman Kristi Cortez Nicholas Brauchle Sam Chambliss
Ryan Appleton Shelly Ann Beattie Christina Dastoor  Kathleen Carter Kate Denton
Tom Augsburger John A Bellon Melissa Day  Amy Cassidy Raylon Dukes
Amanda Bacher Sindhu Bhatia Stefanie Dlugosz-Acton Laurel Collins Johnathan Figueroa
Sarah Bailey Chelsea Linn Bradshaw Brenna Easley  Tanisha Edwards Kelly Frailey
Andrew Bailey Doris F Britt Melanie Ecker  Abdal Elkharoubi John Genuise
Ralph  Barnett  Randall S Brown Beatriz Espinoza  Stacey Garcia Terrance Harris
Nysa Berg Nicole Champagne Gregory Forte  Stephanie Garza Cody Howell
Kimberly Bien Jason Daniel Curry Winston Franscini  Mark Glicer Karen Ishee
Sarah Blackwell Emily Beth Diehm Konner Gonzalez  William Hitt Shawn Keohen
Victoria Brookes Laura Lea Garza Michelle Hale  Joesph Hoffmann Brenda Martinez
Melisa Brown Karen Lee Hanselman Karl Hammond  Pam Jackson Robin Melendez-Martin
Megan Bryan Jessica Theresa Hogue Ridge Harper  Lindsey James David Miller
Eileen Buecher Kendall Kaye Hohmann Andrew Hawke  As̈a Johnson Rod Moran
Anfreia Butler Jessica Leigh Hulett Katie Herring  Emiley Locey Kathy Neira
Ricky Carney Addie Marie Jackson Amy Hicks  YuLun (Jade) Lu Kim Nguyen
John Cervantes Beth Ann Kent Emily Ice  Amanda Miller Stacey Polk
Jayne Colavecchia Darius Claude Lewis Michael Lathan  Nicholas Moore Benito Salazar
Kimberly Collinsworth Dillon Starr McDaniel Jack Long  Peter Palacios Gerald Shepherd
Chris Cooper Jeffrey Lee Merrill Monica Madrid  Julie Payne Craig Stone
Brenda Cortez Taylor Michelle Moore Vishal Malhotra Anna Phelan Luke Taylor
Detra Craig Rebecca Jo Morgan Linda Mckeiver  Danette Robertson Patrick Tharp
Joleigh Cyr Diana Elizabeth Nellessen Sharukh Mithani  Eva Ruiz-DuVall Margarita Venegas
Erin Donahoe-Rankin Marvis Ann Orzek Matthew Moore  Nikki Sparks Ellen Wall
Natasha Donehue DrewAnn Amara Reyes Minerva Morales  Mary Speight Rhiannon White
Wynjean Duarte Jr. David Robinson Jr. Lauri Morrow  Jessica N. Stone  
Katherine Dunlop Sarah Herndon Romack Antoinette Murphy  Heather Treadway  
Candice Eddington Hudson Rufus Aaliyah Navarro  Heather Tunnell  
Amy Ferman Latoya Daione Russell Lynne Odell  Dana Wagner  
Rachel Ford Victoria Michelle Schofield Cheryl Pelham  Dan Wenk  
John Fryar Scotie Wayne Selman Alysa Perkins  Keshia Wilkins  
Michael Giallorenzo Miriam Rae Sheehan Douglas Renner     
Rodolfo Gomez Jason Foster Simon Heather Rich    
Melanie Hanna Alketa Sulollari Patricia Rodriguez    
Sabrina Hodge Steven Paul Tudor Rick Rodriguez     
Samantha Huckabee Shannon Walker Kalyan sai Gudikadi    
Jasmine Ibanez Tristen Wheeler Joy Short     
Rebecca Icossipentarhos Amber White Paul Smith     
Taylor Jordan   Rochelle Sykes     
Tyler Kent   Cassie Thomas     
Christa Lim   Shunta Thomas                                                                                       
Thomas Manshack   Jacob Toledo-Ruiz                                                                                               
Shante Maple   Christopher Turlington                                  
Nicole McAlister   Jorge Vazquez     
Janis Miller   Bill Wasson     
Dianna Murchison   Janelle West     
Gulnaar Murthy   Timothy White     
Lucy  Mwanzia   Zach Yeager     
Haley Myers        
Cassandra Nash        
Patrick O'Hara        
Corey Olszewski        
Ryan Paris        
Melanie Pounds        
Martin Resendiz        
Rosie  Ridgway        
John Robert        
Isaac Rodriguez        
Logan  Rodriquez         
Celina Saavedra        
Adam Sharrah        
Eralda Shyle        
Kelly Smith        
Mayra Stone        
Deanna Taylor        
Douglas Turnage        
Ed Turney        
Anthony Vazquez        
Cory Ward        
Rachel Ward        
Shayleigh Ward        
Benjamin Warren        
Adam Williamson        


Deconstructing the Difficult Conversation LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Positive Approaches to Resolving Performance and Conduct Problems LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Foundations of Supervision LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Coaching for Performance LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Performance Management LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Facilitating Effective Performance Evaluations LearnHSC UNT Bridge
The Employee Lifecycle LearnHSC UNT Bridge
The Art of Successful Coaching LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Supervisor Communication Skills LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Managing Remote Workers LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Leading Change for Supervisors LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Have an Engagement Action Planning Conversation with Your Team LearnHSC  


Managing Stress and Anxiety LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Clifton Strengths LearnHSC UNT Bridge
How to Handle Change LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Emotional Intelligence LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Communicating with Confidence LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Attitude: A Little Thing that Makes a Big Difference LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Customer Service Principles Communication LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Skillful Collaboration LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Developing Positive Relationships LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Dealing with Challenging Attitudes:  From the Inside Out LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Resolving Conflict LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Communication Styles LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Productive Work Habits LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Customer Service Principles:  Problem Solving LearnHSC UNT Bridge
De-escalation Techniques:  How to Communicate Effectively with Upset People LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Communication Skills:  Part 1 LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Communication Skills Part 2 LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Engaging with Empathy LearnHSC UNT Bridge
How to Manage Your Emotions LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Strategies for Flourishing in the New Normal: Is it even possible? LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Managing Up LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Understanding & Boosting Motivation LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Perception Checking LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Leading a Difficult Conversation as a Non-Supervisor LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Multi-Generational Workplace LearnHSC UNT Bridge
Resume Tips LearnHSC UNT Bridge
OKR Development Workshop LearnHSC UNT Bridge

LinkedIn Learning is provided free of charge to UNT System students, faculty and staff and can be accessed by using your work email. You can browse through more than 10,000 courses, some of which offer multi-language access.

How do I register for classes?

You can enroll in live training, virtual training and/or online training classes using UNT Bridge (UNT, UNT Dallas, UNT System Administration employees) or LearnHSC (UNTHSC employees).  These learning management systems will save your training record and provide the option for a certificate if needed.

  1. Login to UNT Bridge or LearnHSC
  2. Click on the Learning Library or Training Calendar
  3. Browse to locate a live training session or an online course
  4. Click on Details for additional information
  5. Click on View Session to register for a live or virtual training.  Click on Enroll to begin an online course.

Who can attend training and development classes?
Faculty, staff and student employees are eligible to attend training. Most classes are offered at no cost.  A supervisor’s consent is required to attend.

Do I have to use my personal time off (vacation, floating holiday) to attend?
Policies allow employees to attend classes during work hours. Supervisory approval is required before registration. Learn more:

How do I cancel a class registration?
Go to My Learning in UNT Bridge or LearnHSC

How do I use LinkedIn Learning?
LinkedIn Learning is integrated with UNT Bridge or LearnHSC.

How do I contact someone in Organizational Development & Engagement?
Email us at