Additional Workplace Accommodations

The University of North Texas System is committed to providing an inclusive workplace for employees and an inclusive environment for job applicants.

Lactation - PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act)

The FLSA requires employers to provide reasonable break time for a nursing employee to express breast milk for their nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time the employee needs to express breast milk. Employers must provide a place, other than a restroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by the employee to express breast milk.

Request Accommodations



Accommodation Requests (Lactation Breaks – Express Breast Milk) - Faculty, Staff and Student Employees

A nursing employee can request reasonable break times to express breast milk with their supervisor.

Concerns with Requests or Accommodation Requests (Outside of Lactation Breaks) Contact for UNT System, UNT, UNT HSC and UNT Dallas:

  • Keeshala Henderson, Workplace Accommodations Administrator


Students can request an accommodation through the applicable campus office via the request forms below.   

Lactation Rooms

PUMP ACT Resources


Pregnancy Modifications



Employees seeking to request pregnancy modifcations can request modifications through the UNT System Office of Equal Opportunity. 

Modifications Request Contact for UNT System, UNT, UNT HSC and UNT Dallas:

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Resources:


Religious Observance Accommodations

The University of North Texas System accommodates sincerely held religious beliefs of applicants and employees, unless the accommodation would pose an undue hardship. 

Request Accommodations


Employees and Job Applicants

Employees and job applicants can request an accommodation through the UNT System Office of Equal Opportunity. Employees who desire a religious accommodation should submit the request as early as possible and generally, within ten (10) days before it is needed.  

Accommodations Request Contact for UNT System, UNT, UNT HSC and UNT Dallas:


Students can contact the applicable campus location for information.   

Student Accommodations Contact: