HR Highlights – July 28, 2022

Thursday, July 28, 2022

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In this issue:

  1. Spotlight: Daniella Smith, UNT
  2. Benefits: Education &  scholarships
  3. Benefits: Free legal resources
  4. Benefits: After-school care resource
  5. Benefits: Free, excellent wellness resources &  other perks
  6. Highlights: UNT IPACS welcomes Dr. Schenita Floyd
  7. Highlights: UNT welcomes Brandon Buzbee
  8. Highlights: UNT Dallas welcomes Lisa Fields
  9. Highlights: UNT congratulates Dr. Newly Paul
  10. Highlights: UNT congratulates Dr. Mara Vaughn
  11. Highlights: Congratulates to HSC &  Sparkyard their Spanish-language website launch
  12. Highlights: Congratulates to HSC &  Vivonics on their U.S. patent for diabetic footwear
  13. Highlights: Congratulates to UNT Dallas College of Law's new JFK &  assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's exhibit
  14. Reminder Updates: Summer enrollment benefits changes letter
  15. Updates: Finance’s Fiscal Year 2022 Processing August Deadlines
  16. Well-Being calendar dates